UV - VIS Spectrophotometers

Spectrophotometers, one of the most basic techniques used in laboratories,

  • Visible Region (380 nm -780 nm and above, usually up to 1100 nm)
  • Ultraviolet Region (UV) (190-380 nm)

those who work in the ranges

  • Single light source (Single Beam)
  • Double Beam Light Source

They have different classifications, such as those divided according to light sources.

VWR® P6, UV/Vis-Spectrophotometer | VWR VWR® Nano Spectrophotometer

KromoGEN through our representative offices VWR brand, Thermo Scientific We offer you alternatives with dozens of different options such as brands. While sometimes we provide simple spectrophotometers for student laboratories, sometimes we can provide wavelength width adjustable; models with high stability and accuracy, narrowable down to 0.1 nm; different sample accessories, constant temperature, high-tech devices and accessories suitable for absorbance-transmittance-reflectance-kinetic measurements.

Multiplate Readers or Nano - Micro Spectrophotometers for biological studies are also in our product portfolio. You can contact our experts for the right choice of brand, model and price/performance: satis@kromogen.com


VWR Spectrophotometer Models Catalog


VWR Nano Spectrophotometer Catalog