A relatively new field, pharmacogenomics is concerned with how a person's genetic makeup influences their response to medicines. It is a combination of pharmacology, the science of drugs, and genomics, the study of genes and their functions. Its aim is to identify effective and safe medicines and appropriate doses in accordance with a person's genetic makeup. Today, medicines are often prescribed on the assumption that they will be effective, but it is not possible to predict who will benefit from a medicine, who will not respond to treatment at all, or who may show some side effects. With the studies conducted in the light of the information obtained from the Human Genome Project, many data are obtained on how the genetic structure of a person will affect the response of that person's body to the drug. The practical effectiveness of these data is being proven more and more every day.
As Kromogen Biotechnology, we have a wide range of products in the field of pharmacogenomics HEALTH Gene Technologies with SureX® pharmacogenomics. For more information on SureX® pharmacogenomics products, see the detailed product brochure. from here you can reach.
Recent studies have shown that the expression levels of some genes alter the efficacy of related cancer drugs. Determining the expression levels of these genes can be a guide in determining personalized methods in cancer treatment. With the SureX® Multiplex Gene Expression Kit for Cancer Drugs, the expression levels of 14 genes can be determined simultaneously to gain therapeutic insight for more than 20 cancer drugs.
The table below shows the genes and related cancer drugs whose expression levels can be detected with this kit.
Platinum-based chemotherapy drugs such as carboplatin and oxaliplatin are the most commonly used anti-tumor drugs. Platinum-based drugs can have toxic effects such as hearing loss. The risks of these side effects have been associated with certain genotypes. With SureX® Platinum-Based Chemotherapy SNP Multiplex Kit, a total of 8 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can be analyzed in TPMT, ERCC1, XRCC1 and 4 other genes.
The table below shows the single nucleotide polymorphisms that can be screened with this kit.
CYP2C19 is one of the most important Cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in drug metabolism. SureX® CYP2C19 Genotyping Kit examines three CYP2C19 SNP loci (*2, *3 and *17) in the human genome. Studies have shown that different CYP2C19 genotypes affect enzyme activities, leading to increased or decreased metabolic rate of drugs. Therefore, CYP2C19 genotyping can help doctors predict the efficacy and side effects of certain drugs and determine appropriate medications and dosages.
The table below shows the genotypes that can be screened with this kit and their effects on drug metabolism.
Nitroglycerin (NTG) is a vasodilator drug and functions through the release of nitric oxide (NO). This conversion is carried out by the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (encoded by the ALDH2 gene). However, the Glu504Lys mutation in the ALDH2 gene decreases NTG activity by reducing enzyme activity. In addition, alcohol dehydrogenase (encoded by the ADH1B gene) and aldehyde dehydrogenase are key enzymes in alcohol metabolism. Mutations in these two genes affect alcohol metabolism, leading to the accumulation of acetaldehyde and other harmful substances. Therefore, the ALDH2/ADH1B genetic test can also be used to test for healthy alcohol consumption.
The table below shows the genotypes that can be screened with this kit and their effects on drug metabolism.
Warfarin tromboembolik hastalıkların tedavisinde en sık kullanılan antikoagülandır. Warfarin’in klinik etkinliği hastadan hastaya farklılık gösterir ve doz farklılıkları 20 kata kadar çıkabilir. Tedavide dozun doğru belirlenememesi sonucu olarak kanama oldukça sık (hastaların %25’inde) görülür. Kişiler arasındaki farklılıklar ve ilaç yan etkileri CYP2C9 ve VKORC1 genlerinin metabolizmaya etkilerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. SureX® Warfarin SNP Multipleks Kiti ile warfarin metabolizmasıyla ilişkilendirilmiş tek nükleotid polimorfizmlerinin taranması tedavi için ipuçları sağlayarak hastaları yan etkilerden korur.
The table below shows the genes that can be screened with this kit and their effect on warfarin metabolism.
Fluorouracil (5-FU) is used to treat many cancers, especially cancers of the colon and digestive system. 5-FU, an effective anti-tumor drug, can cause different side effects in different patients. These differences have been found to be caused by a mutation. Loss/reduction of the function of the DPD enzyme as a result of a DYPD mutation can lead to fatal side effects in patients receiving 5-FU treatment. With the SureX® 5-FU Chemotherapy Multiplex Kit, 8 SNPs in 7 cancer-related genes can be screened to predict side effects and adjust the drug dose. These genes are shown in the table below: