Our company is a leader in food safety Thermo Fisher, Gold Standard Diagnostics, Hygiena is the distributor of the brands in Turkey.

With the wide range of product groups under these brands; We offer alternative solutions from A to Z with Detection of Food Pathogens, Species determination, GMO detection, Microbiological Analysis, Identification Kits and QC Reference Microorganisms.


Gold Standard Diagnostic offers more than 100 different products to meet the requirements of the food market. These products can basically be categorized under three headings; scanning-only GMOScreen kits for detection GMOIdent kits and quantitative data GMOQuant kits

GMOScreen kits can screen for many different GMOs but do not identify the genetically modified organism. They provide a fast and economical initial screening.

GMOIdent kits can detect GMOs with different genetic modifications and even individual transgenic events. These kits are used especially for the detection of unapproved GMOs, often after an initial screening.

GMOQuant kits are used to detect the amount of GMOs in samples. In most countries, food and feed products must be labeled when the amount of approved GMOs exceeds a certain limit. This is where these kits become important.

Our current product catalog from here you can reach.

The DNAnimal Ident RT product group consists of products for real-time PCR detection of many meat species such as veal, pig, goat, sheep, horse, turkey, duck and chicken. The complete product range is available in the current in the catalog you can find.

Our current product catalog from here you can reach.

Eurofins DNA Extraction

Eurofins and also his know-how in extracting high quality and high quantity DNA from different materials. Eurofins GeneScan DNA Extraction kits to your laboratory. By using the most suitable DNA extraction kits for your sample, it is possible to obtain quality nucleic acid from any matrix. We recommend you to work with our standardized and reliable products especially for gelatin, oil seeds, non-homogenized products and many other samples known to be difficult to extract nucleic acid.

Our current product catalog from here you can reach.

DuPont BAX® Systems

DuPontBAX® Systems BAX® Systems enable fast, easy and accurate molecular detection of food pathogens, food spoilage organisms and other microorganisms. This enables automated screening at every stage of the food chain, from raw materials to finished products and environmental samples.The high accuracy of results obtained with PCR-based BAX® Systems enables food companies to reliably check their products before they go to market. Many companies worldwide have integrated BAX® Systems into their quality control workflows.

DuPont offers two different alternatives for laboratories with different test loads. The first one is designed for laboratories with a high number of tests. BAX® Q7 System and secondly, for the needs of small and medium-sized laboratories with fewer than 7,000 tests per year or 32 tests per day. BAX® X5 SystemDir.

BAX® Q7 System

Developed in partnership with AppliedBiosystems DuPont BAX® Q7 System quantitativePCR technology enables rapid testing of up to five different targets simultaneously. While standard PCR-based BAX® assays use DNA-specific dyes, real-time PCR-based BAX® assays utilizing probe technologies allow multiple targets to be analyzed simultaneously. Campylobacter, Cronobacter, E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella, Staphaureus, Vibriodeveloped in accordance with the BAX® Q7 System for the detection of microorganisms such as mold and yeast ready-to-use test kits Available.

Our detailed brochure about the BAX® System from here you can download it.

Dupont Box

BAX® X5 System

The reliable BAX® system, which has been in use around the world for many years, is now available in the BAX® X5 instrument with a smaller footprint. This system allows 32 samples to be analyzed simultaneously and utilizes the same advanced PCR technology.

Initially, the BAX® X5 platform was only Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria types and L. monocytogenes tests. With these tests, results will be available the next day after 3.5 hours of automated processing following a standard enrichment phase.

Please contact us for more information about this product.

Box X5

RiboPrinter® System

The RiboPrinter® System enables fast and accurate detection of contaminated organisms in an environment. This system generates genetic "fingerprints" of bacteria at strain level. By comparing the fingerprints in the database with the fingerprints of the contaminated organisms, the organisms are identified and their origin in the production environment is determined. This critical information enables accurate, targeted and effective safety and quality interventions.

Samples are prepared in batches and taken to the characterization unit for an 8-hour process. The RiboPrinter® System uses a patented technology to process bacterial samples and extract data from fragments of genes encoding ribosomal RNA. This data is used to create RiboPrint™ templates, which are sample-specific genetic fingerprints. The system then compares these templates to each other and to other templates in the database, allowing specimens to be characterized (grouped) at the subspecies level. These templates also enable the identification of genera and species.

Compared to other methods, the RiboPrinter® System analyzes a much larger part of the bacterial genome. In addition to the 16S rRNA sequence, the 5S and 23S sequences, spacer regions and the regions encoding genes on either side of them are also analyzed. This ensures that even strains of the same species with the same 16S sequence can be accurately differentiated. This high resolution also applies to media samples, pathogens, spoilage organisms, control strains, beneficial organisms and other bacteria important to industry.

The flexibility of the restriction enzymes used in the RiboPrinter System allows bacterial typing to be performed with ready-made or custom restriction enzymes while maintaining the advantages of full automation. Up to 8 bacterial isolates can be analyzed simultaneously and results are available after 8 hours. Since the system allows new samples to be added every two hours, 32 samples can be analyzed during one day of operation.

When a new sample is run, the RiboPrinter® system builds a genetic picture of the organism by comparing it with previous data and existing libraries. Each system has a standard library of more than 6900 RiboPrint™ templates corresponding to 219 bacterial genera and more than 1440 bacterial species and serotypes critical to the food and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, it is also possible to create custom libraries to suit the requirements of your own business. For more information about the product, see our current brochure from here you can reach.

Dupont Ribo Printer

DuPontBAX® Systems enable fast, easy and accurate molecular detection of food pathogens, food spoilage organisms and other microorganisms. This enables automated screening at every stage of the food chain, from raw materials to finished products and environmental samples.The high accuracy of PCR-based BAX® Systems enables food companies to reliably check their products before they are released to the market. Many companies worldwide have integrated BAX® Systems into their quality control workflows.

DuPont offers two different alternatives for laboratories with different test loads. The first is the BAX® Q7 System, designed for laboratories with a high number of tests, and the second is the BAX® X5 System, designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized laboratories with less than 7,000 tests per year or 32 tests per day.

Developed in partnership with AppliedBiosystems DuPont BAX® Q7 System quantitativePCR technology enables rapid testing of up to five different targets simultaneously. While standard PCR-based BAX® assays use DNA-specific dyes, real-time PCR-based BAX® assays utilizing probe technologies allow multiple targets to be analyzed simultaneously. Campylobacter, Cronobacter, E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella, Staphaureus, Vibriodeveloped in accordance with the BAX® Q7 System for the detection of microorganisms such as mold and yeast ready-to-use test kits Available.

Our detailed brochure about the BAX® System from here you can download it.

Dupont Box

PCR-Based Ready-to-use BAX® System Kits

Each of the PCR-based test kits compatible with the BAX® Q7 System consists of 96 PCR tubes containing the BAX® System PCR tablets along with cell lysis solution and protease enzyme. These easy-to-use tablets contain all the necessary components to ensure reliable test results. Simply dissolve these tablets with your prepared samples and load them into the BAX® System instrument.

Most DuPont pathogen detection kits have been validated by third parties such as AOAC and AFNOR and certified as effective molecular methods for pathogen detection. The available tests that can be performed with the BAX Q7 System are as follows.

Dupont Box Assays

Real-Time PCR Based Campylobacter Detection Kit

Dupont Box Campylobacter

It allows the simultaneous detection of three different species with a single test. Campylobacter enfeksiyonlarının %90’ı C. jejuni due to C. coli and C. lari are also harmful to humans. The bacteria are carried in the intestines of animals, especially birds. The airborne pathogen has been found in unpasteurized milk, meat, poultry, shellfish, vegetables and fruit. Detailed information about the product from here you can reach.

PCR Based Cronobacter Detection Kit

Dupont Box Cronobacter

Cronobacter (Enterobacter sakazakii) is an emerging food pathogen. In recent years, milk-based powdered infant formulas were heated during production but not sterilized. Cronobacter outbreaks have been observed. Depending on the type of food, sample volume and media used, the PCR reaction is performed after an enrichment process lasting 23-25 hours and the results are available in a short time. For detailed information, see our product brochure from here you can reach.

Escherichia coli PCR-Based Test Portfolio for Detection

BAX® System E. coli The detection test portfolio has been developed to meet the diverse needs of food manufacturers, service laboratories and government inspection laboratories. These products, whose features are mutually summarized in the table below, can be examined under three main headings: Real-Time PCR Based E. coli O157:H7 Detection Kit, Real-Time PCR Based STEC Test Group and PCR Based E. coli O157:H7 MP Detection Kit. Detailed information about our products from our brochure you can reach.

Dupont Box Ecoli

Listeria PCR-Based Test Portfolio for Detection

BAX® System Listeria testing portfolio is designed to meet your different needs. Whether you test food or environmental samples, whether your screening Listeria species or pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes we have a solution for you. Listeria Detailed information about our test portfolio can be found in our product from our brochure you can reach.

In the table below Listeria comparative information about our tests is provided.

Dupont Box Listeria

Salmonella PCR-Based Test Portfolio for Detection

BAX® System based on both standard PCR and real-time PCR Salmonella The detection kits portfolio consists of products designed to meet the diverse needs of food manufacturers, service laboratories and government inspection laboratories. Detailed information about our product portfolio can be found in our current product from our brochure you can reach.

In the table below Salmonella comparative information about our tests is provided.

Dupont Box Salmonella

Real-Time PCR Based Shigella Screening Kit

Dupont Box Shigella

BAX® System based on real-time PCR Shigella The screening kit can be used as an alternative to standard culture methods. Negative samples can be easily identified, reducing the number of samples that need to be confirmed. With the BAX® System, results are ready in approximately one hour. By reducing the number of possible positive samples, labor, time and cost savings are realized in cell culture-based validation. This increases operational efficiency and enables faster product launch decisions. For more information about the product, please contact our brochure you can download it.

Real-Time PCR Based Staphylococcusaureus Detection Kit

Dupont Box Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is a food pathogen usually found in meat and chicken, sandwiches, pasta and potato salad, cream puffs, dairy products and powdered infant formula. Some strains produce enterotoxins that can be pathogenic even at low doses. Cell culture methods require multiple steps and anaerobic incubation, taking 3-5 days to obtain results. On the other hand, with the BAX® system detection kit, you can obtain results one day after sample collection. For more information about the product, please contact our brochure you can download it.

Real-Time PCR Based Vibrio Detection Kit

Dupont Box Vibrio

Vibrio species are mostly found in seawater and other salty waters. Pathogenic strains cause gastrointestinal diseases when ingested by humans. Foodborne infections are caused by eating raw or undercooked fish or shellfish such as oysters. The cell culture-based methods currently used by seafood producers require 3-5 days and at the same time the interpretation of the results is not objective. The BAX® System is based on real-time PCR Vibrio It takes less than 24 hours to obtain reliable results with the detection kit. Three pathogenic species with one test; V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus can be detected. For more information about the product, see our current brochure from here you can reach.

PCR Based Yeast and Mold Detection Kit

Yeast and Mold Detection Kit

Besides pathogenicity, spoilage is also important in food quality testing. Both yeasts and molds cause food to spoil and break down at different rates. Foods containing yeast and mold cells are generally not pathogenic, but high levels of these organisms can affect the appearance and taste of products. With traditional cell culture methods, results can be obtained after at least 5 days. It is also very labor intensive. With the BAX® System PCR-based mold and yeast kit, accurate and reliable results can be obtained the same day for direct samples and after 2 days for samples that need to be enriched. For detailed information about the product, see our current brochure from here you can reach.

The reliable BAX® system, which has been in use around the world for many years, is now available in the BAX® X5 instrument with a smaller footprint. This system allows 32 samples to be analyzed simultaneously and utilizes the same advanced PCR technology.

Initially, the BAX® X5 platform was only Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria types and L. monocytogenes tests. With these tests, results will be available the next day after 3.5 hours of automated processing following a standard enrichment phase.

Please contact us for more information about this product.

Box X5

The RiboPrinter® System enables fast and accurate detection of contaminated organisms in an environment. This system generates genetic "fingerprints" of bacteria at strain level. By comparing the fingerprints in the database with the fingerprints of the contaminated organisms, the organisms are identified and their origin in the production environment is determined. This critical information enables accurate, targeted and effective safety and quality interventions.

Samples are prepared in batches and taken to the characterization unit for an 8-hour process. The RiboPrinter® System uses a patented technology to process bacterial samples and extract data from fragments of genes encoding ribosomal RNA. This data is used to create RiboPrint™ templates, which are sample-specific genetic fingerprints. The system then compares these templates to each other and to other templates in the database, allowing specimens to be characterized (grouped) at the subspecies level. These templates also enable the identification of genera and species.

Compared to other methods, the RiboPrinter® System analyzes a much larger part of the bacterial genome. In addition to the 16S rRNA sequence, the 5S and 23S sequences, spacer regions and the regions encoding genes on either side of them are also analyzed. This ensures that even strains of the same species with the same 16S sequence can be accurately differentiated. This high resolution also applies to media samples, pathogens, spoilage organisms, control strains, beneficial organisms and other bacteria important to industry.

The flexibility of the restriction enzymes used in the RiboPrinter System allows bacterial typing to be performed with ready-made or custom restriction enzymes while maintaining the advantages of full automation. Up to 8 bacterial isolates can be analyzed simultaneously and results are available after 8 hours. Since the system allows new samples to be added every two hours, 32 samples can be analyzed during one day of operation.

When a new sample is run, the RiboPrinter® system builds a genetic picture of the organism by comparing it with previous data and existing libraries. Each system has a standard library of more than 6900 RiboPrint™ templates corresponding to 219 bacterial genera and more than 1440 bacterial species and serotypes critical to the food and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, it is also possible to create custom libraries to suit the requirements of your own business. For more information about the product, see our current brochure from here you can reach.

Dupont Ribo Printer